Sunday 3 April 2011

There's nothing wrong with you your just in the wrong place
I always regret telling people how I feel,
how I honestly and so truly feel,
because I feel like I’m giving them a part of me,
a part of me I don’t want to be seen.
I instantly regret sharing something so completely honest,
something so hidden.
Something you’ve been trying to block out that you so instantly and vulnerably share.
I find it naive to tell someone your inner most feelings.
Once you’ve given them that part of you they can do what they want with it,
judge it, understand it, misunderstand it or reject it,
its beyond your control.
You’ve just given them a part of you that’s now no longer within your grip.
Telling someone your inner most feelings never helps,
just makes it that more real.
Like saying the words out loud make it not your hidden feelings anymore,
and your sharing it to the world.
It’s out there now, in the universe, like fingerprints
and it’s not just you and your head, its reality.
One of the most painful feelings is telling someone how you honestly feel and for them not to care.
You’ve just given them a part of you, that’s now just a lost entity of emotion,
that was never received and never cared for.
I don’t tell people my secrets, my secrets stay with me
and my emotions, feelings, are my secrets
and my emotions are mine
they stay with me.

If someone was to entirely no us, our open feelings and our hidden feelings, know everything about us and know everything that truly went on in our ridiculous minds, would they be at all comparable to what we daily portray.

Do we live a secret life within our heads
 Do we ever truly no each other.